Peenarde tegemine Lümanda koolis

08/05/2013 08:03

Neljapäeval, 8. mail rajasid Lümanda kooli 4. ja 5. klassi õpilased koolipeenraid. Koolisöökla taha rajati peenramaa talunik Aivar Kallase juhendamisel. Esmalt tasandati pinnas ning veeti peale uut ja rammusat mulda. Peenrad aitas valmis teha kooli majandusjuhataja Ain Rand. Seemnete külvamise tähtsa töö tegid aga lapsed. Elevus oli suur: esmalt moodustati paarid, valiti seeme mida külvata sooviti ning töö võis alata. Õpetaja Pille Jõgi näpunäidete järgi said seemned mulda. Külvati tilli, porrut, salatit, mitut sorti redist ning porgandit. Mahapanekut ootavad veel kabatšokk ning kõrvits. Kuna tegemist on väga sooja ja tuulevaikse nurgakesega, katsetame ka mõne arbuusi ning melonitaimega.

On Thursday, the 8th of May Lymanda's Primary school students from forms 4 and 5 craved out a garden. This garden was situated behind the school canteen. Farmer Aivar Kallas was our instructor. At first we had to even out the piece of land where we wanted our garden to be and then we enriched it with new soil. Our school's financial manager helped us out with the garden too. But the important job of sowing the seeds was done by the students. the excitement was big. The students got into pairs and chose out the seed that they wanted to plant. At the instructions of teacher Pille Jõgi the job was done correctly and all of the pips got sowed. The seeds that we planted were dill, leek, a few different assortments of radishes and carrots. But squash and pumpkin still wait to be planted. Because the little garden we have created is at a very good location where it is usually warm and not that windy, we decided to experiment with sowing some watermelons and normal melons too.  

Päeva kajastavad pildid/Pictures of the day

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